I first came to Costa Rica in the fall of 2014. I spent two short weeks here but it took me less than 72 hours before I promised myself I would be back. When the opportunity to move here for my fiance’s job appeared, I wholehearted said YES! To coming. At the time I hadn’t even heard about the fellowship or knew how I would my time, but being here felt right. It was the perfect place to evaluate my life.


I arrived here in December hopefully that my time here would give me the space I needed to design the lifestyle I wanted. The fellowship has held even more sacred space for me, helping me to build a business that I can now launch.


In two weeks, I head home. The thought of leaving makes me sad, but here are three things I am taking home with me.


  1. Pura Vida Lifestyle
    Pura Vida is the motto of Costa Rica. Simply translated into “the good life” this is an all-encompassing catch phrase which replaces everything from by to thank you. It isn’t just two words though; it is an entire mindset. Life is slower here, people stop to talk to one another, and meals are slowly enjoyed. Napping by the ocean and watching sunset every day is encouraged. Savoring moments is what life is about, not just rushing from one moment to the next.


  1. There is Beauty All Around
    So often in my day to day, I became numb to my surroundings. Here, in Costa Rica I have not taken a single day for granted. From walks on the beach to watching monkeys eat the fruit off the trees, every day offers so many chances to be in nature and be inspired by it. Every day, no matter where I am I want this to be part of my life. I want my surroundings to fill up my soul and paint a background in which I can live my dreams.


  1. Eat from the Earth
    Costa Rica is such an abundant country. Fruit here is like candy. I have never eaten sweeter pineapples, juicer mangos, or fresher coconuts in my life. Why? Because it didn’t get picked before it was ripe and then travel hundreds of miles to get to me. This is something I will take home: eat local, eat fresh, and eat seasonally. This is how one cane begin to enjoy produce and how it should be. If we all made a smaller step towards this kind of eating, the quality of our food would increase.


Spending 4 months here has been a dream come true, so much so that I am planning to move here permanently in November. That is the impact that Costa Rica- her land and her people – have made on me.


When I leave Costa Rica I will be leaving a piece of my heart behind, but the memories of Costa Rica will forever be in my heart.


Please be warned: if you decide to come here, you will never want to leave.

