mbt shoesThe Masai Barefoot Technology Footwear collection has become a world wide revolution in the shoe industry. No longer are shoes just for covering your feet or adding more style to an outfit. What!!! Really!?…haha. Now with the Swiss made, first of it’s kind, physiological footwear, you can sculpt your back side and legs just by walking. While this line of calorie burning, posture correcting, joint pain relieving, wonder shoes are not the most fashionable things in the world, they sure do claim to benefit you in several ways.
walking in mbt shoes

Here are just some of the claimed benefits:

-improves posture and gait
-tones and shapes the entire body, including the glutes, calves, abdominals, hamstrings, and back muscles.
-activates neglected muscles
-can help with back, leg, hip, and foot problems
-can help with joint, muscle, ligament, and tendon injuries
-reduces stress on hip and knee joints

To read more about the benefits and how the technology works, check out the MBT homepage. Did you catch the shocking sticker price? $245 bucks…well I guess they are revolutionary. Damn.

But WAIT!! Before you run out and buy these super shoes, consider the possible cons of drastically changing your gait. Only one small study has been done to test the validity of the company’s claims. Another thing to keep in mind is that to walk properly in these shoes you need to have really good alignment of the legs when walking. This means, walking in parallel with your feet and ankles not rolling inward or outward.

green mbt shoe

It’s a good idea to consult your physical therapist or doctor before buying these shoes so that you can improve current ailments and not compound them. You definitely have to learn HOW to walk in these shoes. For example, I was recently in to see my physical therapist and saw another patient walking down the hall in these shoes. Her doctor was watching her walk in them. Apparently she had some type of knee pain and had gone out and bought these shoes in hopes of helping her situation. Unfortunately, she walked duck footed with her feet turned out. This wore away one side of each shoe, thus making her gait really ackward and putting more strain on her knees!! Her doctor told her to throw them out.

The moral of the story is, to benefit from these shoes you must know how to walk in them properly. Once you do, watch out world because we are all going to have awesome legs!!

