When Healthy Living Gets In The Way Of Happy Living

Tall, sunken cheeked, Northface wearing man..”I ordered a “special” vegetarian in-flight meal.” First class flight attendant..”I’m sorry sir our forms show nothing of the sort.” Thus begins my flight from hell home from Thanksgiving. For the next 2 1/2 hours the extreme health nut to my right sat pouting and irritated, refusing even a glass of water. Organic herbal tea on an airline where you have to shovel out change for peanuts and headphones! Are you kidding me? As a certified health enthusiast even I wouldn’t expect such a wide variety of options. As I forked my way through some cheese raviolis (mind I don’t normally eat cheese, but the other option was roast beef) I was wondering, can being too health conscious be a bad thing?

My answer: Absolutely!! Yes I know…I write a health and wellness blog and I promote overhauling your fast food eating, couch surfing tendencies for whole foods and daily exercise. But, taking nutrition and exercise to the extreme will only have your friends, and family bowing out of dinner dates and runs on the beach, while strangers will just want to get away from you…as I did on my flight! The problem arises when you start screaming at the server because dammit they didn’t put the dressing on the side. Or you turn into a pouting baby for the rest of the night because you didn’t get that aerobics class in. What negative energy! Healthy living shouldn’t get in the way of happy living.

Beating yourself up over a missed gym session or one more glass of wine isn’t worth your mental strife. Let it slide and take a look around you. Things could be worse! Far too often we get so obsessed with having things our way…be it health related or not…that we let it effect our mood and energy, thus sending a rippling effect through the people around us. No one wants to hang with negative energy and why disrupt your internal space? Now that’s definitely not healthy!

What’s your take? Let’s discuss!

