Fitness celebs are popping into my life lately. They motivate me to stay committed to my Nike Challenge!

Two weeks ago at Rancho La Puerta I spent a few days taking workshops from, teaching along side, and chatting over farm fresh meals with the cheerful Leslee Bender. She created the Bender Ball and Bender Method, which she promotes as the evolution of pilates.

 And last weekend I was delighted to meet and interview the infamous vegan bodybuilding world champion, Robert Cheeke, at the Vida Vegan Blogger Conference. I could kick myself for not joining him on the dance floor! Both celebs rocked my world with their presence.

What struck me most about both Leslie and Robert is their undeniable compassion for others and radiant super human energy! They have built their unique empires with discipline, consistency, and above all else, authenticity.
 In a world of meat munching, steroid injecting colleagues, both thrive on plants.
I eagerly dug through Robert’s Vegan Body Building and Fitness: The Complete Guide to Building Your Body on a Plant Based Diet last night. His training tips and simple nutrition plans are brilliant, clear and results driven.
 I also just joined his online community of vegan athletes to learn even more specifics and stay inspired. I’ll write a full review of his training book and share our back stage interview soon! Though I don’t aspire to body build, I’m amped and ready to launch back into my interval training with the Nike Training App this week.
This week I’m using the “Get Lean” menu of workouts and loving the heart blasting, sweaty sessions. The app is so easy to use in between teaching classes when I’m roaming around the city. My wet laundry pile is exploding. My goal is to work my heart muscle vigorously every day.
 When was the last time you pushed your heart? I’d love to hear how the Nike app is infusing your day with fitness fun.

Who are your fitness mentors or idols? How do they motivate you every day?

The Nike Training Club App is a full-body functional training app designed for you to make yourself whatever you want to be. Whether you’re looking to get lean, toned, or strong, NTC takes every workout to the next level. Download it here.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nike Womens via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nike Womens.
Enter here for a chance to win an iPad2 complete with the Nike Training Club app and slick Nike gear including the Legend Pant, Victory Bra, and Free XT Motion Fit+.

