As I depart Cairns, the beautiful tropics in North Queensland, Australia, I close a chapter of travel and experience. This is one of those definitive moments we endure time and time again where the clouds clear and the lessons learned shine light on all that stretches before us. The reflective moments where you wrap up and recaleberate, ready to start again with fresh perspective.

Over the last few weeks I have dealt with easily one of the most frustrating experiences of my life. Where everything I planned and hoped would unravel neatly in my favor, decided to stand impenetrably in my path. I am a firm believer in making things happen for yourself. Not waiting for destiny to reveal a path, but hacking my own trail through the bush with a butter knife, if need be.

And though I’d like to think I can do anything there are moments when the choices run out, the weather changes, money disappears and you find yourself trapped in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Literally in my life, probably figurative in yours.

And as I flash back on my decisions and self induced experiences over the past month I have no regrets. Something I yearn never to pile up. No matter how difficult an experience is at the moment, I hold pride in knowing that I tried. This can relate to just about anything. Putting yourself out into the world, workplace, or relationship with complete exposure and vulnerability is risky, but rewarding to the tenth degree even if it disintegrates under your feet.

Life as we know it is a massive rolodex of experience. The more you rack up the more cards you have to look back on, reflect, learn and move forward.�And though I write tremendous amounts of my thoughts on present living I feel it’s necessary and important in self motivation to look back at your glorious achievements, and ridiculous mistakes. Dwelling and analyzing these moments of grace and stumbles isn’t the objective. A quick calling back is all that’s necessary. I mean, who wants to relive the time they got dumped or fired?! Yet, this is how we learn.

A great way to look back in order to move forward is to rewrite your resume. It might sound super dull, but when was the last time you had to edit or write a resume? Probably not for a couple years. I found most recently when I was desperately looking for random work because there was none to speak of in the pilates world, I had to dust off the old resume and pull on all my most recent experiences.

Damn had I done a lot in a year! A rush of pride swept over me as I realized that okay right now I might be struggling, but look at what I had accomplished and persevered before. It gave me the kick I needed to believe in myself again.

There are millions of motivational quotes, books and blog posts to read, but I challenge you to take a closer look at yourself. Look in the mirror, like the ladies from Only In A Woman’s World. While outside support and inspiration is fantastic, sometimes the best kind comes from within.

This post was brought to you by Only In A Woman’s World.

