What’s your intent today? A simple question with profound power. Mallika Chopra, founder of Intent.com, and daughter of Deepak Chopra, learned early on how this one inquiry spreads massive positive change.
As I float over the clouds this morning en route to Los Angeles for The Green Festival I am proud to share my exclusive interview with Mallika Chopra before she takes the stage to empower thousands this weekend.

Amber: What keeps you inspired daily? Who are your mentors?
Mallika: My children are truly my inspiration. I love to cuddle and laugh with them, and they give me perspective on everything in life. I have been fortunate in my life to have my parents as mentors. My dad imparts wisdom and counsel. My mom is my anchor. She has taught me, by her example, that the greatest fulfillment comes from selflessly loving and giving to others.
Amber: How do you take care of yourself physically, spiritually and nutrition wise every day. Do you have a particular routine? A way of eating you abide by?
Mallika: To be honest, I dont think I take the best care of myself physically and nutritionally! Hard to admit that, in public. 🙂 I like to exercise a few times a week. In the past few years, I discovered that running actually gave me both physical and mental clarity. I love it. I try to eat healthy, but have an addiction to sugar which I am always battling! Also, meditation has been an anchor throughout my life – it helps me feel balance, connected and at peace.
Amber: What’s the first thing everyone can start doing today to create their most epic self or evolve their consciousness and awareness? How will this save the planet?
Mallika: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi’s simple words have global consequences. If we can find peace within ourselves, within our families and communities, and heal Mother Earth in small ways, we can create a measurable shift in our world.
Amber: What’s your mantra?
Mallika: My father taught both my brother and me the following mantra when we were young: “Don’t take life too seriously.”
Amber: What can we expect from your Greenfest speech and your website?
Mallika: I believe social media is a powerful tool to transform our planet. On Intent (www.intent.com) we are seeing that people can create a ripple effect for positive change by sharing and supporting intentions for personal, social and global wellbeing. I will share my story of starting intent, and share some of the exciting campaigns we have been fortunate to participate in. I’d love to explore with the audience how we can use social media to accelerate even more good for our planet.
Amber: What are your favorite green beauty and clothing products?
Mallika: We try to use natural, home made products in our home to clean. I want to create a healthy, non-toxic home environment for my kids.
Amber: What’s your definition of health?
Mallika: Personal, social, global and spiritual wellbeing. We need to be healthy physically and emotionally, but we also need good relationships with friends and families. We should strive for communities that are peaceful and just. And, if Mother Earth is not healthy, we cannot be healthy. We need to all help our planet thrive.
Amber: How have you made a living doing what you love? What are three action steps people can use today to live their authentic, passionate self?
Mallika: First and foremost, I am a mom. I get the most fulfillment being with my family. I am fortunate that my husband’s work allows us to live a comfortable life. Given that, I have chosen to spend my time doing what I truly love – writing and building Intent.com into a community that brings together inspired people who want to make a difference. In India, we have the concept of Dharma, or purpose in life, and I feel that I am on the right path now. Three actions steps to live the life you want: State intentions every day. Create action plans to achieve your intention. Let go, have fun and serve.
Amber: Have you tried pilates or yoga? What was your experience?
Mallika: I practice yoga on and off, but have to admit that I struggle with some poses. I once wrote a popular blog post on being a Chopra in a yoga class. That said, I feel fresh, inspired, energetic and happy every time I practice yoga.
Amber: What makes you want to cry and laugh at the same time?
Mallika: My children’s stories. They make me happy, proud, and emotional.
Amber: What are your hopes and fears for our future?
Mallika: My hopes are that I can give my children security, health, and the confidence to create the life they want and serve others. Children are the citizens of tomorrow. My fears are that our generation will not leave a healthy planet, economy and opportunity for our children. Together, we need to change a lot of the suffering, inequality and injustice that we see today.
I’m so grateful for Mallika’s indepth and thoughtful answers. As a single woman I have yet to learn how rewarding it must be raising a family and planting the seeds of change in the next generation. Kids hold the spark and presence so many adults have lost. They inspire me to laugh, forget fear, savor the moment and continue to preserve our only home (our bodies and planet).
The last few years The Green Festival in San Francisco has included a green kids corner where they use live theatre to teach children about sustainability. Educating our children and leading by example is the only road to a fabulous future for all!
I can help with that sugar addiction too Mallika :D!
We have all battled with it at some point. Running is a wonderful form of moving meditation. I flow into a similar zone when dancing. Yoga is the perfect yin to the yang of running and saves the joints. I now wonder what type of yoga you adore?!
In a nutshell: Actions begin with intention. Ask the question, set your intention, and read and support others.
Remember I’ll be live streaming expert interviews all weekend from the LA Green Festival for Earth Balance. Pop on the channel now to get acquainted. See you then!

What’s your intent for serving others today?

