I’m busy as a bee and wanting to spread the pollen. Blue bird days and tiny blossoms envelope the hills of San Francisco this week and I can’t help but sweat with spring fever. Sitting down to write while the sun beckons me outside to play has me cafe hopping in one of the warmest districts and soaking in the rays through massive store fronts. It makes me want to spread good vibes.

With spring in the air there’s no better time to refresh our reading lists and incorporate some new ideas into our lifestyles. Below are some of the most powerful epic living articles I’ve read recently that opened my brain a bit. Add some of these bloggers to your feed and start soaking up the goods…

Zen To Fitness: Chris breaks down how keeping your body in stressed survival mode will inhibit more than your stock of skinny jeans. Stay out of starvation mode and reap the benefits.
My tip: Bring healthy snacks of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds with you everywhere so you don’t have to stress about where your next bite is coming from. The choice is already made for you when you open your pack and see the baggies of snacks. Read “Why Zebra’s Don’t Get Ulcers.” 
Scott H. Young: Is introspection always a good thing? Thinking doesn’t always lead to action. Far too often we over plan, over think, and never actually do. Does thinking about the ideal life actually lead to one?
My tip: Note any epiphany moments and take massive action in that passionate direction. Start with a baby step to-do and check it off today. 
LifeOptimizer: Empowering others is the best gift you could ever give. A smile, a true compliment, volunteering, or blogging! What do you every day to uplift others? Here are 50 ways to get started. 
My tip: Begin by smiling at everyone. Smile as you walk down the street, talk with strangers, and listen mindfully. You’ll find people drawn to your radiance. 
Awake At The Wheel: Johnathan asks whether you would actually want to read your own life story? We get so wrapped up in our everyday habits and routines that we forget life is a wild experiment with no hypothesis or results. 
My tip: Set a reminder on your desk everyday to take a moment to reflect on your life’s direction. Did you live today like it was your last. Really, did you? What could you add tomorrow to make the day more enjoyable? 
Exilelifestyle: Colin inspires us all to keep living and creating the dream. As a location independent superstar bud of mine, his tales from abroad and entrepreneurial insights keeps my travel bug alive and scratching. We can all learn a thing or to from Risky Business
My tip: step out the door on a lazy day off and wander without a destination. See where the day takes you. Something I like to do on occasion is follow the red and green traffic lights in whatever path they alert me to follow. 
OhSheGlows: Brand new to my list, Angela could possibly be my long lost twin. She’ll help you bake yummy vegan treats, I’ll help you relieve neck tension. She keeps it healthy while traveling by munching salads and veggies. 
My tip: Jet setting can wreak havoc on even a health nuts diet. While traveling through Oz, I battled constantly with peer pressure around food and lack of healthy choices. Keep it cheap and nutrient dense by gobbling down fruit and fresh veggies from any supermarket. Better than sipping cup-o-noodle any day!
As Bob Marley says, “love is my religion….” completely stuck in my head. Hope you guys can benefit as much as I do from these great writers.

