One year ago, I sat anxiously awaiting Wilders arrival. I was 5 days past his “due date” and I had no idea I’d be going into an 18 hr labour that night.

The tail end of my pregnancy was not a fun or enjoyable experience. Between the 24/7 heartburn, fatigue, and lack of sleep, I couldn’t wait for my pregnancy journey to end.

I was SO eager to be a mom, to meet our little guy. Eager for the self-development I knew I was in for. Looking forward to my relationship with JP deepening.

And for all the LOVE…

And in hindsight, I really had no clue what I was in for.

I definitely underestimated the beauty, depth, magic and challenge of what it means to raise a baby.

The 1st picture of this post captured my last day as a maiden, even though I had grieved this part of me many times throughout my pregnancy. I miss her often.

The 2nd picture is who I’ve become through the INTENSE ride of 2021… A stronger more patient, empathetic, courageous, open-minded, and compassionate version of me. What a deeply humbling and beautiful experience.

This year had me on my knees MANY times and yet I’m extremely grateful for all the ups, downs and lessons learned. Substantial growth is never easy, but it’s always worth it.

This month, we celebrated Wilder’s 1st birthday and all of the wonderful moments we shared this last year together as a family.

I’m proud of @awakenwithjp and me for surviving the first year and coming out the other side more in love and bonded than ever before. We did it!


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

