It’s not who you are that holds you back. It’s who you THINK you are not.


As I walked through the rainforest and passed a family of howler monkeys on the path to the beach this morning I was overwhelmed with a knowing. A rush of chills and a deep heart spark. A knowing that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. An affirmation that I can trust, let go, and flow with ease. I call this a “green light” from the universe.


As long as I stay in spiritual alignment by radiating high vibes and following my bliss, the stress, fear, and anxiety of the unknown future dissolves before my eyes. What I think I become.


From this intuitive heart centered knowing I can confidently step out into the gorgeous day, release the self defeating thoughts, do my best work, and be who I already am. Unlimited authentic truth.


When was the last time you had this affirming feeling from the universe?



