36 years in Earth school & I feel like I’m just getting started…

For those who’ve been following me awhile, or know me personally, you know I’ve done a hell of a lot in the last 2 decades.

I used to pride myself on how productive & efficient I could be. How many tasks I could check off my list in a day & how fast I could reach my personal & professional goals. I hustled round the clock and it worked well for me for a while…

Until it didn’t…

I realized I was living in a state of constant overwhelm & exhaustion trying to keep all the balls in the air.

I finally accepted how unhappy I was trying to be all the things to everyone while sacrificing my needs & decided something had to change.

The Superwoman

I was trying SO hard to be the “superwoman” I was raised to be in a culture that expects women to not only raise families but also run a business, bring home a big salary, be fit, beautiful, etc…

Becoming a mama has been the greatest pattern interrupt in my overachieving superwoman complex.

Though I’ve been actively focused on DOING less & BEING more for years, Wilder has been my greatest teacher of this vital lesson. He’s helped me scrub & rewrite that old programming since he was conceived.

Nothing can prepare a mother for how much time, energy, love & devotion their baby will require. The amount of moment to moment presence these little beings need is astonishing.

I know that my many years of dance, yoga, meditation, plant medicine ceremonies, & supporting thousands of transformations through my work, has trained me well for Wilder…. but he is still my greatest teacher.

6 Months Ago

For the last 6 months, I’ve barely touched my computer. Just enough for a few client calls per week. That feels unreal & beyond epic.

My days are now spent BEING present in 3D reality with my family & friends. For someone who’s run an online business for 13 years, this is massive.

Now, I’m most proud of how I show up as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend AND coach. My work is important & rewarding, but it no longer dominates my life. That feels like winning right now

Photo by @melissarobinphoto


Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

