Like many people before me, I struck out on my own as a young entrepreneur with no idea what I was doing. I learned a lot of things as I went, and I definitely made a lot of mistakes.

But you don’t have to be clueless in your journey! I’ve learned so much as I’ve grown, and there are many things I wish I’d been told when I was starting off.

So, here are the top 8 things I wish someone had told me when I first started my business.


1.) You Can’t Do It Alone

You will run yourself into the ground if you try to wear all the hats. Hire the right people to support you so you can stay in your core genius.

2.) Simplify Your Offerings

Focus all of your time, energy, and money on mastering the marketing and sales process for a few products and services so you can serve your customers/clients at the highest level.

3.) Share Your Story

The challenges you have been through and how you have overcome them is very important for attracting your ideal clients. People need to know who you are, what you do, who you do it for, and& why it matters to you. Be authentic, real, and transparent. Drop the facade you think people will like.

4.) Hire A Coach

The fastest way to build your dream business and entrepreneur lifestyle is to hire a coach who is living it and who can teach you the ropes. This will save you 100’s of thousands of dollars and years of time making mistakes trying to figure it out on your own.

5.) Lead With Your Heart

Do work that is deeply fulfilling to your heart and soul. Making money is great, but giving back and serving something greater than yourself is extremely rewarding and helps you persevere the ups and downs of being a business owner.

6.) Face Your Fears Daily

What you resist persists. If you are afraid to write a blog post, do a FB live, speak to a group, or create that course, the time is always NOW to do it. The sooner you face these fears, the faster you will grow personally and professionally.

7.) Rewire Your Entrepreneur Mindset & Clear Your Money Blocks

In order to create financial abundance, you must deal with your issues around money and self-worth. Investing in your personal development and your business is the wisest investment you can make. You are the only one who can hold your value and ask for what you are truly worth.

8.) Leverage Your Time & Money With Technology

Set up the systems necessary to automate your business so you can provide more value to your customers, make more money, and free up your time. Work smarter, not harder.


Those 8 tips can dramatically uplevel your business right from the start!

What would you add to this list? Tell me in the comments below!!!


Lots of Love & Pura Vida!

Amber Sears

