Adventuring with my little sidekick has been a dream for the last 9 months…

I spent many days last year hiking trails around Austin with my growing belly anticipating what it would feel like to carry Wilder on the outside. I couldn’t wait to see his eyes light up with wonder at the beauty of nature.

My intention is to take him on long walks every day through the trees around town. Tomorrow I’m taking him downtown to the Barton Springs areas for a full loop around the river. So excited!

Wilder instantly calms down & falls asleep when we step outside & he’s all cosy in this baby carrier. Nature is medicine for the soul after all.

This Saturday marks Wilders one month birthday and we are elated to celebrate with JP’s family who is coming into town to meet him for the first time.

Though we’ve had amazing support from our local friends, midwife & postpartum doula, having family arrive to help feels like a massive exhale.

Light Workouts & Mommy Tips

I’ve been getting to the gym for light workouts a few days per week. Building back my core & upper body strength have been my focuses. It feels SO good to move & breathe deep without my pregnant belly. I’m grateful to share Wilder’s digestion has improved substantially since my last post thanks to infant probiotics, my dietary changes & chiropractic adjustments.

Thanks for all of your tips, everyone! So many awesome moms sent me their tricks via DM. Y’all are so sweet, supportive & wise.

Besides sleep deprivation & the overwhelm of being a new mom, which I think is super normal, I’m feeling really good in this new chapter of life.

Prioritizing Relationship

I’m definitely missing quality connection time with JP, but we are dialling that in as we get into a better rhythm.

We know how important it is that we prioritize our relationship first & foremost despite how busy we both are right now managing business & life with an infant.

By February we’ll have our nanny hired to support us during the week so I can focus more on restructuring my business.

So much has shifted with Wilder entering the world & I’m excited to create a new work structure that includes lots of time with him


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

