Magnificent euphoria washed over me, as always within ceremony, and I was back in the solid reality of the rainforest temple. My feet deeply rooted, my heart beating expansively in my chest, my crown and third eye wide open. Thoughts came flooding back into my mind and I calmed my rattled nerves.

Where had I gone? What had I learned? What was the purpose? Questions invaded. And while I still don’t remember all, or can’t fathom the depth and detail of this piece of my journey, it is absolutely clear to me that not knowing is part of the purpose. The logical mind is very limited in its ability to perceive.

Just because our minds can’t stick a label on an experience, or put it in a box, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen or wasn’t VERY significant. The experiences and feelings we can’t explain are very often the most profound and life changing.

Jumping into the unknown of sipping Ayahuasca takes major courage. It means trusting yourself and the universe. It means you will face the void. The void of the limitless universe where everything is energy and you are but a few particles of the fabric. Does this scare or excite you?

You will meet and form a relationship with the spirit of these awakening plants and of course the Earth. These plants will teach you the truth, reset and align your spirit with its purpose. You will once again be plugged into the Earth, respect all beings, and remember who you are. Spiritual, emotional and physical purging is necessary for this unfolding, reconnecting and evolving to occur.
All of our guests felt the immense rapture of being fully alive. A much much higher level of CLARITY and UNION.

As the stars and moon faded and the toucans lulled us awake to plunge into the river we began to share our journeys with each other. The lessons learned and epiphanies instilled filled my heart with joy. Everyone was overwhelmed with gratitude and a deep knowing. A knowing that they can trust their hearts and intuition, that they are always supported, loved and deserving. Many let go of years upon years of emotional baggage. All left the temple lighter in body, mind and spirit with abundant space. Space for all the good things coming…

