Show up in every moment as though you were meant to be there. Be present in that moment.

As though it was all divinely orchestrated and gifted to you, because it is.

Every breath, every word, every sound, every taste, every hug, kiss, laugh, and tear…

Feel it all.

Be present in it all. Be here now.

Now is all we have, and it’s the most massive blessing.

So, give thanks by showing up fully with your heart wide open ready to rock it.

Claim your space, speak your truth, and stand confidently in your own unique skin. Repeat it out loud. As many times as you need it to REMEMBER who you are and why you are.

You must be your own cheerleader here and now. You must trust yourself.

Because sometimes no one, but you, believes in your dream.

Sometimes no one in your inner circle truly gets you and your vision.

Sometimes you are carving a new path, ushering in a new paradigm, and no one around you sees it but you.

But you wouldn’t have the dream or vision if it wasn’t meant for you. That’s how important you are.

Have the courage to answer the call of your spirit and know that no matter what, the power of your soul is waiting to be unleashed. Have the courage to release it and trust the greater plan at play. ❤️

⚡️Do you believe your soul has a purpose or calling? If so, I’d love to hear what you think your dharma is in the comments. Now is always the time to be present, claim it, and start walking your unique path.


Love & Light,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching, Retreats, & Trainings

