Happy Tuesday everyone! Here’s a quick catch up for you on all things epic.

Side note: Is it just me or is everyone and their mother using the word EPIC nowadays. I know it’s an incredible word, but seriously guys it’s becoming just as trendy as yoga. And you don’t want to get me started on that topic!

As you probably know by now I love to have my hands in many projects at a time. If I’m not planning a raw menu for the week, organizing clients and finances, marketing my workshops/retreats, or networking like a fool, I write, shoot, worship the sun, and try to relax. Grounding myself and balancing work and play is an on going project.

Since we’ve had about two full days(!) of sun this Summer in San Francisco I can’t wait to jet set to Mexico for my October 1st pilates, yoga, surf retreat!

I’ve planned a two week vacation so I have a week off after the retreat to soak in the Zihuatanejo area. Zihua is the third most visited village outside of Cancun and Puerto Vallarta. It’s known for it’s amazing surf, authentic Mexican culture, deep sea fishing, diving (swim with Dolphins!) and of course tropical forest and heat.

For those of you who have traveled to the area I’d love any suggestions for must see natural spots or wild adventures. I’ll be filming and snapping thousands of photos of the first week at Present Moment Retreat Center in Troncones as well as my random adventures during the second week.

Sample Day:

Wake up to birds chirping in the crisp sea air. Sip some tea, grab a mat and walk a few steps to the beach front studio.
7:30-8:30a: Pilates Mat with Amber at the beach front, open air studio.

8:30-9:30a: Breakfast- fresh fruit smoothie, veggie omelette, whatever your heart desires.

10-12a: Surf lesson offered with Tyler (watch me attempt to ride!), R&R at the beach or day hike to jungle caves.

12-1p: Lunch: fresh Mahi Mahi with pineapple salsa, or for the vegan minded like me…an organic veggie packed, avocado, mixed green salad.

1-4p: R&R- lay in a hammock, journal, nap, mingle, venture into town, swim with dolphins 😀
4-4:30p: Mindful beach walk with Amber- breath work and tension relief body work. Watch a sample video!

5-6:30p: Yoga practice with Tyler at beach front studio. A restorative class tonight. Iyengar inspired!

7-8p: Dinner- mingle and relax with fellow guests.

Play games, swim in the pool, watch the stars!
Fall asleep listening to the waves rippling on shore from your thatched roof bungalow.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does Present Moment offer meat and alcohol?
Absolutely! The retreat is set up for all people. Whether you are a vegan raw foodie like me, a carnivore like Tyler, or a happy fusion, the gourmet 5 star kitchen at Present Moment can sculpt your dream dish. Alcohol is available and mixed to perfection. What I love most about Present Moment is their commitment to using locally grown and harvested food. Organic, pure and delicious!

Is transfer from the airport included?
Yes. We’ve arranged for a few suburbans to pick up our guests from the Zihuatinejo airport. Tyler and I are on the same flights as a few of our clients which should be a blast! We’ll be there for you every step of the way.

What should I pack for the trip?
Here’s a quick run down of what we recommend. Traveling lighter is always worth it! My rule of thumb: Pack then take out half and smile because you won’t have to lug all that weight around 😀.


  • passport
  • hiking shoes, sandals
  • sunblock
  • beach towel
  • yoga mat (they have them, but its nice to have your own)
  • hat
  • sunglasses
  • mosquito repellent (not necessary, but nice to have)
  • a few good books or kindle 😀
  • journal
  • one item of clothing to donate (good karma)
  • small flash light or head lamp
  • camera
  • ipod- share and swap music with others!
  • swimsuit/surf trunks
  • Gents: a few shirts and pairs of boardshorts
  • Ladies: a few dresses, shirts and shorts
  • last but not least, an open mind and an adventurous heart!

We are just 10 short days away from paradise and it’s not too late to hop into the fun. Only a few spots are left. The complete all inclusive week is only $1000 USD. If you are ready to make the leap and escape with us

Sign Up Here

For all you fabulous readers and clients who can’t make the trip this time around, I will film some of our classes and send them to your inbox for free! I would offer a virtual class straight from the sand, but the retreat doesn’t have wifi. A good thing! Unplugging is necessary for our sanity.
I already have my next retreat in the works, so stay tuned. Belize or Bali!
I’m always planning ahead while trying to live in the present. Work/relax balance is my constant challenge! I work like a mad woman during the week and keep my weekends completely clear to explore the wonderful ever changing landscape of California.


Here are a few of my recent adventure pics.
Meditating on Indian Rock in Berkeley, CA at sunset…
Soaking in the redwoods and falls of Yosemite…
Standing tall with the giants…
Hugs at Burning Man, Black Rock City, Nevada…
Basking in the after glow and sand storm of burning the man…more on this adventure soon!
On my last train ride South to my home town of Santa Cruz I had some spare time at the station…I thought I’d fill a few minutes with some pilates travel flow. Follow along and rock out with me.

How do you maintain work/relax balance? Do you take the weekends off completely? If not how do you relax mid week to keep your sanity?

