Are you a snacker? While some people can exist on two to three large meals per day, I always find my blood sugar dips too low without a mid morning and afternoon snack. I literally feel my thoughts slow, speech jumble and body drag. Instead of reaching for gluten rich wheat bread or crackers, try my top 5 gluten-free purifying snacks for endless energy.

 Why gluten-free? Because it’s estimated that 1 in 100 Americans are gluten intolerant. While you might not break out in hives when you munch gluten packed grains like wheat, barley and rye, it could be the culprit behind over 300 less pronounced symptoms. From indigestion, to fatigue to joint pain, gluten can cause an inflammatory response in the small intestine, damaging the villa that absorb nutrients.
We need our villa just like we need healthy gut bacteria! Opt for these gluten free snacks and feel your energy soar and stabilize throughout the day:

1.) Organic Apple Dipped In Raw Almond Butter: Check all nut butter labels for additional oil, salt or preservatives. There should only be one ingredient! Choose raw over roasted varieties. Roasting a nut breaks down it’s “good” fat into the “bad” artery clogging counterpart. Jazz up this snack with a sprinkle of cinnamon!
2.) Chia Seeds: This new vegan fad food is the offspring of those claymate Chia Pet sproutings. It was the main source of fuel for Aztec warriors! Chia seeds are packed with protein, omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, and soluble fiber, which helps stabilize blood-glucose levels. Munch a handful or mix with other sprouted nuts and seeds. Read up on why I sprinkle these babies on everything from salads to oatmeal.
3.) Green Smoothie: by now you know I’m a green smoothie queen! I just can’t get enough of the protein, calcium, and phytonutrients found in spinach, kale and all other dark leafy greens. What could be quicker than blending a sweet concoction to take on the road? Check my favorite filling raw breakfast smoothies to get you started.

4.) Veggies Dipped In Guacamole: Celery, carrots, bell pepper, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, jicama….the list of wonderful veggies to dip in avocado bliss is endless.
Do you need more reason to fall in love with guacamole? Avocados are bursting with vitamins, 18 amino acids and omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, which help lubricate joints and reduce inflammation. And that’s just the dip!
The rainbow of veggies harbor all the nutrients and water we need to thrive. I particularly love the water dense choices like celery and cucumber. Amazing for clear skin!
5.) Yogurt: preferably goat’s with a sprinkle of seeds, nuts or a low glycemic sweetener like agave. Rich in protein, probiotics, vitamins, minerals and heart healthy fats. Goat’s yogurt is also easier for humans to digest than cows.
A brand like Dannon Activia is an option.
It’s truly shocking how much gluten is used in processed foods! Check the ingredients on the label or do what I do and toss the boxed/packaged munchies completely. Aim for whole unprocessed foods always. Fruit, veggies, nuts and seeds are all you need 😀
What Gluten free snacks do you love and why? Do you feel better when you take gluten out of your diet?

