Time and time again I see the same fears, resistances, and excuses arise when it comes to change and shifting out of old habits, mindsets, and belief systems. I get it. I’ve most likely been where you are, or I’ve coached someone through what you are experiencing. We all have similar fears and self doubt. You are definitely not alone.

As a coach, my job is to hold you accountable to your goals, intentions, and dreams. Of course, that’s far easier said than done. The only way to get there is to embrace change and take action, and I’ll show you exactly how to do it.



Whether you are trying to launch and grow your dream business or make much needed adjustments to your self care, change isn’t easy.

But change is required if you truly want to shed the habits and belief systems that are holding you back from doing what you desire to do and being who you desire to be.

The reality is, change is inevitable.

As ever-evolving beings, there is no way to escape the reality we live in, so we must choose to thrive where we are planted. Growth requires change, and the faster we can accept it, embrace it, and learn to harness it for our own development, the better.



There’s one, simple question I’ve learned to ask myself and my clients over and over again.

“What are you waiting for?”

If you don’t act now, then when?

There will never be a perfect time to make the shift you desire. You will never feel “ready” enough. We learn by doing, not by sitting back and thinking, hoping, and wishing it to be so.

The only thing holding you back is you.

I know that’s hard to swallow, but it’s the truth. I’m not here to sugarcoat anything. I want results for you, and results don’t come from dancing around truth. As I’ve learned the hard way, regret is the worst kind of pain.

There are countless aspects of my life I wish I had pulled the trigger on years ago:

  • Transitioning to a plant-based diet
  • Learning how to cook healthy meals
  • Learning how to love myself unconditionally
  • Feeling and honoring my emotions
  • Committing to a daily yoga, pilates, and meditation practice
  • Asking for help in all areas of my life
  • Hiring a business mentor who does what I aspire to do
  • Hiring a team to support my vision
  • Taking bigger and bolder risks
  • Building and holding better boundaries
  • Dreaming bigger

And that’s just to name a few.

But this is why I’m so passionate about teaching the self-development rituals and tools that foster long-term change.

Honesty, I’m not interested in short-term fixes, as I’m sure you can tell. They just don’t work and are a waste of your precious time and energy.

I’m only interested in helping you build your most epic self long-term and now so that you can experience how fulfilling, rewarding, and beautiful life can be when you live from your heart and fully stand in your power.



It takes decisive action, commitment, and follow through. Acceptance of change, a beginner’s mind, and the willingness to jump into the unknown despite your fears and excuses also plays a huge part.

The truth is…you are far more capable then you believe.

You hold all the power in your hands to change your personal and professional life forever through simple, daily action steps. Those action steps turn into habits, and those habits become your new lifestyle.

You probably know this already, but something is STILL holding you back.

What is it? Get real with yourself. Don’t wait like I did. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one, and you are far more important than you realize. Your voice, your vibration, and your actions have the power to shift our world in all the positive ways you can imagine.

If you want out of the cycles you find yourself trapped in, what are you willing to DO about it? How are you going to EMBODY the next level of your development?

Taking radical self responsibility for your thoughts, choices, and actions is key to creating your unique dream. You got this. I believe in you!


If you want help getting to the next level, you are done playing small, and you are eager for long-term change, we have only 2 more spaces in the January Epic Academy Yoga Teacher Training in Costa Rica. It’s a 30-day deep dive transformation in paradise hosted by yours truly and four other expert coaches. Click here for details and application.


Blessings & Pura Vida!


What’s holding you back? Shout it out in the comments let me know how you plan to take action!


