Do you feel like a slave to your own business? Do you burn out before the week even gets started? What is the point of escaping the 9-5 grind to run your own purpose-driven business if you can’t enjoy a freedom-based lifestyle?

10 yrs ago when I launched my business, I had mighty goals. I wanted to teach my passions around the world and run my company online, but I had no idea how to do so.

Within the first few years, I found myself deeply fulfilled by my work helping others transform mind, body, and spirit, but I was a slave to my own business.

I typically worked 15 hour days, 6 days per week. I was also tethered to my work in San Francisco and couldn’t travel very much.

My passion kept me going, but my pace was unsustainable, so I hit burn out several times. I knew something had to change, but I didn’t know how to grow my business online or abroad. I seriously had no work/life balance, but I was determined to figure it out.

How I Escaped The Burn Out

I hired coaches, brought on a VA, and read everything I could get my hands on about doing online coaching, launching online programs, and producing retreats.

Fast track forward to today after several years of experimentation, and I am living proof that you can do what you love and live the lifestyle of your dreams.

I now run a multiple six-figure coaching, retreat, and teacher training business from my laptop. The road to get here wasn’t easy, but the freedom and fulfillment I experience on a daily basis is PRICELESS.

I’ve done the heavy lifting, and I am here to empower YOU to live out your unique dream using the tools, strategies, and systems I’ve developed over the last decade.

Light Leader Academy!

I teach literally everything I’ve learned along my entrepreneur journey in my Light Leader Academy. Plus, my team of expert coaches is bringing their skill sets to you as well. They are all 6 & 7 figure earners who are eager to help you fast track your success.

You don’t have to waste years of time and tens of thousands of dollars trying to figure it out on your own like I did. Learn from those who are already doing it.

⚡️ Apply for Light Leader Academy today to receive Early Bird tuition ⚡️

I believe in your dreams. The question is… do you believe?!


Lots of Love & Light!


