“I feel like a beached whale,” are normally the words running through my brain around that oh so pleasant time of the month. Between the cravings, bloating, cramps, and random emotional breakdowns, PMS is a bitch. Up until now most of us have relied on a handful of Midol, Aleve, or any other pill we could get our hands on to numb the symptoms. Well today is a new day in the fight to banish PMS forever and all it includes is simple shifting in your diet and lifestyle. A spankin’ new study out of the UK suggests the following guidelines every woman should implement to say bye bye to PMS for good.

Here’s the 411:
– Eat more complex carbohydrates and whole grains, especially those with a low glycaemic impact.
– Avoid or limit caffeine which can increase tension and irritability.
– Limit salt and salty foods to help prevent bloating.
– Eat small frequent meals and snacks.
– Choose low fat foods to help maintain a healthy weight.
– Use specific nutrients and herbal preparations. Prime example and my personal fav: Dong quai tea
– Exercise regularly. You’ll want to keep those endorphins up! In Ayurveda yoga is recommended the week before menstruation.

yoga for PMS
Adapting one’s diet to clear up PMS symptoms is old news when you consult holistic Eastern medicine like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Indian Ayurveda. They’ve been treating this monthly ordeal for thousands of years! The West is catching on…
“Many untruths and misconceptions prevail about PMS. Both men and women still believe that PMS is a normal biologic occurrence which most women must suffer with before menstruation. Current scientific evidence now shows this is not true.
PMS does not have to occur and women no longer need to experience those horrible monthly blues,” says Susan Thys-Jacobs, M.D., an endocrinologist and researcher. She added that “PMS is not a disease but an easily treatable chemical imbalance and nutritional deficiency. For most women, PMS can be appropriately managed by correcting the underlying dietary deficiency.”
I’ll definitely switch up my routine next month. I think cutting the caffeine is key to keeping irritability at a sane level. A grande coffee mixed with a healthy dose of hormones…watch out!
How does PMS effect you? Should we watch our heads or do you breeze through with methods we could all benefit from? Join the discussion in the comments below.

