Looking to build more strength and flexibility? Use your focus and intention to get more bang for your buck. Instead of suffering through hundreds of thoughtless crunches, think quality instead of quantity and use your mind to feel the burn quickly.
Surveying the scene at any gym you will see most people zoned out on their celebrity magazine or the game on the strategically placed big screen.


Just like when eating, to get the most out of your workout focus on what your doing. For example, when your performing a crunch or bicep curl focus your mind on the muscle(s) you are contracting and lengthening. Intention can be practiced while running, biking, or any movement for that matter.
Your mind and body are connected and need to work together to achieve your fitness goals. There is no use in doing mindless exercise.


If you’re not aware of what your body is truly doing your not working as hard as you could. Your time is valuable, so don’t waste that hour at the gym by not pushing yourself.
Try this technique and I promise it will make your normal workout much more difficult. You will become more aware of your body from the inside out. This will allow you to feel what works for your body and what imbalances or weaknesses you have on a given day.

