Being an entrepreneur during the current recession can feel extremely overwhelming and scary.

You’ve got bills to pay, a family to provide for, staff to support, and an audience/client/customer base that needs your leadership, solutions, and guidance more than ever before. SO much pressure and responsibility!

I get it. We are all feeling a lot of intense emotions about the future of our businesses and the economy at large.

But now is NOT the time to shrink down and get stuck worrying about what will unfold. NOW is the time to take back control of your future and start innovating. And YES, that definitely includes selling.

This is what soul powered entrepreneurs do best! They find solutions, solve problems, and always figure out a way to serve at the highest level. They tap into their intuition and hearts to find the answers and then take massive inspired action.

Entrepreneurs are the ones who will fuel economic growth, provide jobs, and lead us into the next paradigm that is currently being birthed through this collective awakening process. There is no shame in selling right now. Your future and our collective future literally depend on it!

Whether you know it or not, you are more than prepared for this kind of upheaval. You have all the answers you need inside of you and it’s time to take bold action and blast through any fear that has been holding you back. The world desperately needs your light, love, and gifts right now.

Will you step up and rise to the occasion? Or will you be forced to close your business because you were afraid to innovate? The choice is up to you!

Remember, everything is figure-out-able.

The Official Soul Powered Recession Guide

Below are my thoughts and recommendations for how you can double down on providing tremendous value for your customers, clients and audiences right now. As well as, innovate beyond what you thought possible. It’s time to think outside the box.

1.) Write daily emails.

Write to your community offering up your top tips and guidance to help them through this difficult time. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in. Everyone can do this.

2.) Go LIVE

Go live on your favorite social platform daily, or as often as possible, to teach and coach your audience outside of your normal posting schedule. Being yourself on video, raw and unedited, is the most connective, inspiring, motivating, and empowering thing you can do.

3.) Create a free challenge

Create a challenge or video series, that you can run through email or within a private FB group, to build and support your community. Focus on solving and providing solutions to your customers greatest challenges right now because their needs, priorities, and goals have most likely shifted.

4.) Go Virtual.

Turn your in-person classes, workshops, performances, and even retreats into virtual broadcasts through Zoom. JP Sears is doing this with his comedy shows and I’ve seen many colleagues of mine doing this with their retreats and weekend intensives.

5.) Launch that course!

Finish and launch that online course you’ve been dreaming about. Build that website you’ve been putting off. Craft a deeply transformative online coaching package. Share VERY valuable and consistent social media content to all platforms. You have the time and space now to get these important key elements for your online business established.

6.) Take Inventory.

Take inventory of your finances, your systems, your staff, the products and services you offer, and get real about what you need to let go of, revamp, or launch in order to stay on track with your goals.

7.) Treat Yourself.

Double down on your self care and health habits/rituals. You cannot give from an empty cup. Take the best care of your mind, body, and spirit so you can make clear intuitive decisions for your business.


So, if you are a light leader who really wishes you had an online business right now, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY.

It’s your chance to build and launch it. This will ensure that when the economy booms again you’ll have a super solid foundation and established business to truly expand with.

The pandemic and recession are showing us just how important it is to have an online presence and business in our modern world.

⚡️Which one of these tips are you taking action on now? Tell me all about it 👇🏼❤️🌍


P.S – I got JP to dance with me for my #EpicDanceChallenge. Well, kinda…I’m not sure if he’s dancing here, but this is huge! 😂 Click below to watch us getting our groove on!

The song is by one of our faves – Gary Clark Jr.


Sending High Vibes Your Way!

Amber Sears – Online Coaching, Retreats, & Trainings
Follow Me on Instagram & Facebook!

