Happy 40th Birthday to my lion king @awakenwithjp! We are celebrating this fabulous occasion with a family trip to Zion National Park. JP has sold out comedy shows in South Utah this coming weekend and we can’t wait to explore the region with Wilder afterwards.

My love for JP continues to deepen and expand beyond belief. As we grow and transform together as new parents on this wild ride called life I’m forever grateful for the magic that unfolded for us to meet in the jungles of Costa Rica five years ago.

JP’s bravery, courage, commitment, loyalty, compassion, playfulness and passionate purpose-driven work inspires me daily.

I admire and adore his massive heart, his brilliant creative mind and of course his badass physique. Watching him be an incredible dad is the greatest blessing.

I’m honoured to be his wife and wake up every day grateful he chose me to be his life partner.

I know we’ve known each other for many lifetimes because he feels like home. Like we’ve been doing this forever!

I love you more than there are stars in the sky JP.

Thank you for…

  • shining so damn bright.
  • making millions laugh around the world.
  • being yourself unapologetically.
  • your unconditional love, support and empowerment.

The world needs SO much more of you and I can’t wait to support you as it all unfolds.

Another Family Vacation

I just booked our family flights to Costa Rica for a two-week vacation in June. SO stoked!

Words can’t describe how much I’ve missed the jungle. My last retreat was over a year ago. My heart is SO happy!

I’ve bought Wilder every jungle onesie I can find. I can’t wait for him to experience the real thing. Wilder’s 16 weeks old now and LOVES his daily nature walks. He wants to face outward in his stroller, so he can see the trees. So precious!

My heart melts a little more every time he smiles or giggles. He’s learning how to hold his toys and is putting everything in his mouth now. I adore watching him grow and shift daily. What a gift!


Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Training
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