Today is my last day as part of the EpicSelf Fellowship. I feel myself getting emotional just writing that sentence. I transformed this month in ways I wasn’t expecting and the insane part is, I have grown into a stronger woman.


It is hard to describe a moment in your life that is transformative. This month at the fellowship brought every single emotional inside of me including fear and self doubt. I looked both of those in the eye, acknowledged them, and walked right on by.


The emotions I am feeling today? Happiness, empowerment, pride, confidence.

Here’s why:


  1. I allowed myself to speak about my vision with clarity for the first time in a long time. I started a website called “The Art of Intentions” and will be launching personal coaching soon. I’ve had several people say they can see my power when I talk about it and have said this is perfect for me. When someone affirms your work without you asking for it, well lets just say it’s the best compliment of them all.


  1. I let go of things that have shamed me my whole life, including my body. Yes, I will never be the size two girl in the room, but my body is healthy and strong and shows up for me in ways I never thought possible. That to me is beauty.


  1. Intentions are powerful and when we live wholeheartedly and are open to love, the universe delivers her gifts to us.


  1. It is ok to be scared, but it is not ok to use fear as an excuse not to do something.


  1. Carving sacred space for yourself is key to your success. You have to be able to stay focused, be supported, and be present.


  1. Gratitude shapes your attitude about your life.


I recently picked up the mantra “lead with love” after a friend of mine died this past January. His life inspired me to make every single decision in my life based on that one simple requirement: am I doing this with love? And the answer is yes, everything I have done this month has been done with love and for that I am able to come into my power and do the work that fulfills me and which can impact others.


So today, as I finish my fellowship and start the next chapter of my life, I vow to myself to continue to lead with love, even when its hard to, because that will always lead me to living to the fullest without regrets.


Finally huge thank you to everyone who was part of my journey this month: my fiancé, my parents, my closest friends (you know who you are) and my EpicSelf crew. Thank you all for your guidance, love, support, and endless messages checking in on me. I would be nothing without your love.

