There are few things better than in this world than banana pancakes for dinner.

One Friday, the EpicSelf crew was talking about pancakes and how bad we all wanted them. I mentioned I had a great vegan pancake and everyone stared me asking why I had been keeping this a secret. We decided to make these for dinner and boy were they delicious.



Serves 4 people 

8 ripe bananas, spotted bananas work best!
1/3 cup coconut flour
2 tablespoons chia
2 tablespoons vegan protein powder mix (optional)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla
cinnamon to taste

coconut oil

Peel bananas and place into a bowl. Add flour, chia, protein powder, vanilla and cinnamon and mash up using your hands. Mixture should look like pancake batter.

sliced strawberries
unsweetened coconut shreds
cacao nibs
drizzle of organic, coconut milk in the can (make sure its cold so its thick)

*Note: you can great as creative as possible with your toppings!*


To make:

Drizzle coconut oil in pan and let heat over medium. With a spoon, drop dough into pan. You will want these to be smaller rather than large to be able to flip. Heat for about 90 seconds, then flip and heat for another 90 seconds. Serve up warm with your favorite toppings.


Is it fall where you live? Change up the bananas for organic pumpkin puree and add cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger for a pumpkin spice switch up!


