I could chat all day about the importance of building AND maintaining perfect posture. Increased self confidence, breath capacity, digestive ease, core strength (flat abs!) and stress/tension relief are just a few of the reasons we all want to build flexible cat like spines of steel.

The pilates method and principles specifically target the core muscle groups that support the vital spinal column AND chisel a narrow waist. As much as I love chiropractors for adjustments, aligning bones is only half the story. We need to support those bones with long, lean muscles so that they stay aligned!
Through a dedicated pilates practice we can rewire neural pathways and old movement patterns, strengthen the muscles that support the spine and increase range of motion/flexibility.
  See how pilates digs deeper than yoga.
Ready to build your cat spine of steal? Follow me in this simple flow sequence that moves the spine through all the spinal mechanics. A balanced body begins with a balanced practice!

Straight out of the horses mouth…

“Pilates is not a system of haphazard exercises designed to produce only bulging muscles. … Nor does Pilates over-develop a few muscles at the expense of all others with resulting loss of grace and suppleness, or a a sacrifice of the heart or lungs. Rather, it was conceived to limber and stretch muscles and ligaments so that your body will be as supple as that of a cat.”

Joseph Pilates – Pilates’ Return to Life Through Contrology
My question for you today… Do you know someone who is super “strong” in the sense that they can lift a lot of weight, but shutter at the thought of stretching their hamstrings? Is this you? What’s the point of being strong if you can’t move efficiently with grace and control?

If you’d like to try pilates, take your practice to the next level or ask me a question check out my virtual pilates studio. The future is here and it’s location independent! Pilates anytime, anywhere for your unique body.

