I am shocked and extremely sad tonight to hear of Scott Dinsmore’s passing while climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro with his wonderful wife Chelsea on their world tour adventure. His excellent work with Live Your Legend and stellar community of passionate entrepreneurs (Live Your Legend) eager to change the world is awe inspiring to say the VERY least.

I knew Scott through the blogosphere and San Francisco tech scene for several years and had the pleasure of watching his “passion project” blog and brand explode in popularity and become his primary business. His TED Talk alone inspired millions and will continue to do so.

We used to meet up for tea at Samovar or grab a salad at The Plant and chat about all of the things we both cared so deeply about: living life on your own terms, travel, blogging, online business, fitness, delicious healthy food, and the joys of life in SF. His energy was always infectious, authentic, motivating, and compassionate. I swear he never had a bad day. Scott carried a permanent ear to ear smile!

He always believed in me and my work on EpicSelf.com. I’ll never forget the day he and Chelsea strolled into my studio here in Costa Rica. They took class and ate superfood ice-cream with us. It meant so much to me to have their support in person, especially during those initial months of growing pains.
Scott has left a tremendous legacy and caused a positive ripple effect that will last forever in the hearts of those who knew him and his work. If you haven’t read his writings do yourself a favor and head on over to LiveYourLegend.com.

May we all continue to live as he did…

Full throttle. Doing compassionate work that matters. Awakening and inspiring the world to positively shift forward.

Your heart was immense Scott. Thank you for being you!

My heart goes out to Chelsea, their families and friends.

