From the first startling buzz of the alarm clock our minds launch us into the day full force. The constant internal script of to-do’s that early is enough to make anyone want to crawl back under the covers and forgo everything. While we need to be prepared for the day ahead, we miss out on all the luxuries the morning has in store by living in our thoughts. In my case my 10 minute shower is the only event that truly wakes me up in the wee hours. But, it’s also the time I tend to plan out my day. For most of us the warm water rolling over our scalps and down our body is the closest we’ll get to a relaxing bubble bath, so why not take advantage? I’m getting chills just thinking about it.
Mindfulness Tip:
Instead of rushing through your shower take 2 minutes every morning to clear and calm the mind and body. Stand still with your eyes closed and take several deep breaths. Focus on your breath and the water flowing over you. Listen to the water and what it sounds like as it hits you, from the inside out. Allow your muscles to relax as you exhale. Awaken all your senses by opening your eyes slowly and breathing in any sweet shampoo or soap fragrance. Be in the moment entirely.
If you can be mindful and present for a few minutes everyday that’s fantastic. Being truly aware of life takes practice and will only get easier. Life is meant to be enjoyed and fully experienced! If you agree with me check out these other mindfulness exercises and tips.

