My life in a nutshell prior to giving birth to Wilder…

Sleeping, eating, reading, walking around our neighbourhood, cooking meals to freeze for postpartum, writing in my journal, snuggling with JP & our pups.

I’m doing my best to enjoy these final moments of freedom & do whatever it takes to stay comfortable throughout the day.

I’m just slightly obsessed with fresh berries & sliced persimmon dipped in Coco Whip! Such a yummy treat for this plant-powered mama. As some of you know, I’ve been 100% plant-based vegan for 12 years.

Vegan Journey

I initially transitioned to a plant-based lifestyle to remedy a few health issues I was experiencing in my teens.

Horrible acne for several years couldn’t seem to clear up with any creams or pills.

I had chronic upper respiratory issues like a constant stuffy/runny nose & asthmatic breathing when I trained hard at the dance studio.

My gut was cranky, to say the least. My digestion was erratic, unpredictable & uncomfortable most of the time.

I didn’t know at the time that this wasn’t normal. I had never known anything different but was slowly learning through a lot of self-study & research what was going on in my body.

So I initially cut out dairy & processed sugar for a few months to see if that made a difference.

I felt SO incredible, I kept experimenting & decided to go 100% organic & gluten-free. My acne quickly faded.

The more I read & the more I experimented with eliminating inflammatory processed foods & animal products, the better I felt. So I couldn’t help but stick with this new way of life.

I had more energy & mental clarity then I knew what to do with AND my digestive issues vanished forever.

While I initially transitioned for health reasons, I also maintain this lifestyle to reduce my environmental impact & respect animals.

Plant-Powered Mama!

My wonderful midwife & functional medicine doc were in full support of my plant-powered ways for pregnancy.

Vegan babies are extremely common nowadays as more & more women adopt this nutrient-dense way of eating.

If you’d like to learn more about plant-based eating follow @forksoverknives @fullyrawkristina @cowspiracy @richroll @aliciasilverstone & @nimai_delgado.


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

