November Intentions.

As we flow through glorious Fall, an election, and into the Holidays I’m taking time today to reflect on October and set clear intentions for November and December as we wrap up one hell of a year.

Intention setting is such a powerful practice that helps me stay focused, purposeful, and enjoying the journey as much as possible.

Below are a few key questions I love to journal about at the beginning of every new month…

How do I want to feel every day this month? What will I commit to doing to cultivate these feelings?

How can I serve and lead from my heart better?

What are my financial goals?

What was most fulfilling and fun from last month? How can I infuse more of that into this month?

What didn’t work last month in all areas of my life… relationships, health, and business? What can I adjust this month?

Who do I want to spend more time with this month?

What projects am I creating or completing? Where am I in the process and what are my next steps?

How will I choose to respond to the challenges I encounter?

My primary intentions for November are…

Process and feel what arises as I close client contracts and step away from my work for maternity leave. Celebrate and mourn the closing of a powerful chapter.

Soak in the extra space and time to relax, rest, and create. Allow me to slow way down, reflect, and prepare for labor and motherhood.

Prioritize and enjoy quality playtime with @awakenwithjp since this will be our last month together before we become parents.

Take the absolute best care of my mental, emotional, and physical health daily with a multitude of self-care practices.

Remain centered, grounded, and open-hearted despite whatever chaos may ensue after this presidential election.

What is one of your big intentions for this month? I’d love to hear from you and hope these questions serve you!

P.S – This is my altar where I meditate every morning. I picked up these adorable hand made moccasins in Cusco, Peru in August 2019. They’ve been sitting on my alter ever since as I set my intentions to conceive in early 2020. I can’t wait until Wilder can wear them!


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

