Empower from within. Sculpt deep core strength. The more connected you are to your solar plexus, the more confident you will feel in all aspects of life. Six pack abs are not just for looks. What core strength does for your posture and attitude are far more powerful.


The third chakra (solar plexus) is the center of your self-esteem, your willpower, self-discipline, as well as warmth in your personality. A strong third chakra reflects the ability to move forward in life with confidence and power. It reflects the ability to make conscious choices and follow through with direct action.


Join me on the mat to awaken your third chakra for Day 6 of my ‪#‎PilatesEveryDamnDay challenge. Single Leg Exchange, Double Leg Stretch, and Hundreds are included in the flow. Repeat if you dare!


1.) Begin with right leg straight up and left leg hovering above the mat. Curl your upper body toward your leg and hold your hands as high as you can maintaining a neutral pelvis. Keep your tail bone and entire back of the pelvis glued to the floor.


2.) Inhale reach through your legs, exhale switch sides. Maintain the stability of your pelvis as you alternate. Hold your upper body curled forward the entire time. Don’t let your shoulder blades touch the mat.


3.) Repeat the Single Leg Exchange five times and then bring both knees into the chest. Inhale extend arms and legs away from your center. Exhale bring them back into a tight ball.


4.) Repeat Double Leg Stretch five times keeping your upper body curl and neutral pelvis.


5.) Next move into hundreds with legs hovering above the floor. Maintaining your upper body curl, pump the arms double time and practice a double hundreds breath. Inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale.


For more challenge: Repeat the entire sequence three times. Remember pilates is about quality of form, not number of reps, but if you want to try go for it.


Beginners Tip: Don’t take your legs below 45 degrees. The lower the legs the harder these exercises become. Work on maintaining your upper body curl and exhaling fully.


Show me what you got by taking a pic or video of you practicing this sequence. Tag me and use the hashtag #PilatesEveryDamnDay

