January 31st marks my official podcast launch day! I can’t wait!

For the last two months, I’ve been preparing for my podcast launch by recording and gathering incredible deep dive conversations with some of the most badass, purpose-driven, female entrepreneurs I know.

The theme of my podcast is soul-powered entrepreneurship + holistic lifestyle design. I’m not revealing the name yet. It’s a surprise!

Within these 60 min conversations, we explore a vast array of topics including peak performance mindset hacks, sacred plant medicine, how to build a 7 figure online business doing what you love, and everything in between.

All of the heart-centered leaders I feature are experts in their respective fields, have designed their businesses and lifestyles from their souls calling, and most importantly embody what they preach.

I strongly believe the world desperately needs more heart-centered female leaders who will courageously step up, shine bright, and make a massive positive impact on our collective.


There are millions of amazing women from every corner of the planet already doing this! It’s about time they are showcased for their brilliance.

So, I want to share these podcasts and join together so we can inspire, empower, educate, and motivate our fellow sisters. Additionally, I hope they rise to their fullest potential in all the ways they desire.

Together we rise my loves!

I’m SO pumped and can’t wait to hear your feedback!

That said, I’ll drop my first 5 episodes on the morning of January 31st. So, stay tuned and mark your calendars.

Also, I plan to shoot for the Apple iTunes “New & Noteworthy” page to reach as many women as possible.

⚡️Will you help me get there?!😘❤️🌍


Lots of Love & Light!

Amber Sears
Epicself.com – Online Coaching, Retreats, & Trainings

