With Spring in full swing here in San Francisco there is nothing more intoxicating than getting outside for a long power walk.

I just got back from a rigorous workout at the pilates studio and power walked home to deliver this tasty bite of the pilates mat stomach series. Known as the “killer 5” this series of core exercises will have you sweating in no time.

 Feel the benefits pilates can deliver by following along now. That’s right….get out of your chair and join me!

Quick Pilates Mat Ab Series: Follow Me from Amber Zuckswert on Vimeo.
I don’t know about you, but I feel way more energized after that little burst. Remember to inhale and exhale completely to engage your abdominals more. Especially the deepest level, the transversus abdominis which supports your spine. When done correctly you should only need a few reps of each exercise. Form is paramount!
I suggest you bookmark this clip and use it when on the go!
Note: This is an advanced series. If you are new to pilates take it slow and work up to lowering your legs closer to the floor. The farther and lower to the ground you reach your limbs away from your core center, the more challenging the exercise gets.
Did you feel the burn?

