When the weekends roll around I turn into a Where’s Waldo.

You’ll have to find me as I snake my way through hundreds of people strolling the farmers markets. I love nothing more than joining the community in a massive shopping spree for delicious farm fresh produce, baked goods, and other novelties.
In true locavore style I deliberately pick through the stalls for reasonably priced organics with my reusable tote hanging from my shoulder.
Beyond eating green, shopping with eco conscious tactics in mind can save a lot of plastic bags and keep your beloved produce fresher longer.
Stretch your greeniness beyond the reusable tote with these market shopping and food carrying tips:

1.) Produce Bags: Pop a couple of these sheer breathable produce bags in your large tote to separate veggies. Be prepared for those edibles, like dates, that will need their own bag. No need to buy these little sacks either! Just whip up a few with thread and left over fabric or an old shirt.

2.) Go Wear For Food: I love the metal stackable go wear that acts like a bento box. It separates each part of the meal so you don’t end up with a mash up of flavors when you open up the lunch pail. Glass or metal tupperware is preferred to plastic due to possible leaching of carcinogenic PVC. Another handy dandy alternative to baggies are sandwich wraps made of fabric with a button to cinch it closed. Washable and no cost to you.

3.) Go Wear For Drinks: Though I carry my beloved aluminum Sigg water bottle with me everywhere, I desperately need to splurge on a go anywhere coffee tumbler. It’s worth the money to invest in a durable, leak proof model that will last the ages. Imagine how many paper cups, sleeves and lids we’d save if we just had our coffee shop on the corner fill us up?! Buying a reusable today!

4.) Reuse Plastic Bags: Ziploc baggies can be completely eliminated if you have the right go wear and at home tupperware, but in those rare instances wash and dry the bags for reuse. You can reuse the plastic handle bags over and over. Use until they start tearing.
Now if only I could remember my bags. Part of the challenge of transitioning to a more conscious way of shopping is switching your mindset so you remember to use and bring these reusable items with you. Everyone has a bag they can bring to the grocery store, it’s just remembering to do so and making it a habit that proves the most difficult.
How do you shop and carry green?
What holds you back from making the transition to a greener lifestyle?

