Our sacred union began far before we were married, and we’re only growing stronger.

Our Proposal & Commitment To Each Other

He proposed spontaneously in front of 60 people at the end of a workshop we co-led in Glacier National Park in Montana.

The crowd went wild, and I burst into tears. I’ll never forget that moment of complete surprise and excitement. I was overwhelmed with tears of immense joy and laughter.

As a woman who never wanted or intended to get married, I had no idea how much this simple question would mean to me. To be chosen by the love of your life… the feeling was indescribable.

My heart exploded because deep down I had no idea how much being chosen by JP meant to me until I was in that moment.

Prior to meeting JP, I never thought I’d get officially married. He didn’t either. We both didn’t align with the legally binding constitution of marriage & we don’t subscribe to any particular religion.

But within our first few months together we felt called to make the next step of commitment. We knew we wanted to reinvent what marriage meant to us and create a sacred union of sorts. The old paradigm of marriage didn’t feel exciting, but creating our own version did.

We both knew very early on that we would be life partners. We just didn’t know when, or how, it would unfold.

JP couldn’t wait more than 9 months. And he loves to share that he only waited that long to not seem crazy to his friends and family.

He popped the question when it felt right in the moment. He hadn’t told anyone when he was going to do it. And he didn’t have a ring. Yet somehow the proposal got caught on camera by one of the retreat guests. I cherish this video and watch it often.

Saying “I Do”

9 months later our dear friend, Brandon Hawk, officiated our sacred union in the giant redwoods in my hometown of Santa Cruz, CA.

Something shifted inside of both of us when we were officially hitched. The level of commitment, trust, and love deepened. I felt more safe and supported then I could have imagined. JP’s inner protector and provider kicked into high gear.

We are now 2 years deep into marriage and are actively engaged in prioritizing and enhancing our relationship in the ways we desire most.

It’s not easy, nor a fairytale. It’s the best kind of exponential healing and inner growth we could ask for.


Much Love,

Amber Sears
Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Trainings
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