Release the anxiety, frustration, sadness, anger, guilt, and shame you carry.

It’s only weighing you down and preventing you from stepping into your own power.

Let go in order to create new space for all of your intentions and dreams to crystalize.

You must create space first before you can reach your unique next level.

You can always let go more. Just when you think you are done, there is more.

There are always more layers of programming, emotional baggage, identities, stories, attachments, and paradigms to release.

When you clear your mind and heart by letting go and processing the pain, you’ll be able to hear your intuition and soul more clearly.

Remember, fear is an illusion of the mind. Love is what you are made of.

So, celebrate and be grateful for this gift of life by courageously letting go of what no longer serves your spirit and its upward trajectory.

I know it’s scary, but you got this.

You can’t carry this weight into the next phase of your conscious evolution.

You were born to soar, but you can’t do that with lead weights around your ankles.

You feel me?!

⚡️What are you currently letting go of? I’d love to hear from you! 👇🏼❤️🌍


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching, Retreats, & Trainings

