What You Resist Persists.

Change is inevitable. Growth is a conscious choice and also something we are often forced into by the universe. This blooming of the heart and soul is necessary for us to shift out of self destructive habits, and the limiting belief systems, that prevent us from doing the things and being the people we wish to be today. And yet we resist what is. We resist healing, growth, love and awakening. We resist our bodies and each other.


We’d rather hide away and do the things we’ve always done. Be unhealthy, miserable, and stuck. We’d rather stay in our safe secure controlled box when in actuality there is no box. There is only perceived security and control. 




Because it’s “hard” and “painful” to face ourselves. To sit quietly and feel our hearts burn. To feel the pain of self doubt, guilt, fear and frustration.


So most of us numb ourselves throughout our existence with a variety of addictions and distractions that take us out of this moment. Out of reality and into a fantasy world of past stories and future projections.


It’s quiet insane don’t you think? If you didn’t have a tomorrow how much would you do today? How much would you step up to the plate? How resistant would you be? Your full presence is that critical. You matter. Never forget. I’ll keep reminding you.


What are you resisting and why?


Photo by Jeff Skeirik

