It’s been a while since I revisited my buddy the foam roller here on EpicSelf. While I was teaching and traveling around Australia I only had brief rendevous with my self massage sidekick. Carrying a yoga mat strapped to my pack was enough excess weight and bulk! But, since coming home and jumping back into full blown dance training again you can’t keep me off it in the morning.

Below is a quick video demonstrating one of my essential back self massages. My clients know this one well and I swear by it for opening up the chest and upper back. Most of us sit for a good portion of the day, which leads to poor posture if we’re not careful. Here are my top tips for standing taller every day. For now, start your morning with this upper back roll out and feel the extra ease in your spine throughout the day.

Brought to you by yours truly…

Roll It Out: Upper Back from Amber Zuckswert on Vimeo.

If you don’t have a foam roller at home I highly suggest you add one to your stress relieving tool box. Also, if you belong to a gym chances are they have a slew of rollers you can utilize.

What’s your favorite roller massage and why? Once you start rolling it’s hard to stop!

