Commitment phobic? Single and ready to mingle? I might just be your gal. Keep your busy bee, globe trotting, free bird tendencies and still get in a personalized kick ass work out anytime, anywhere. This won’t be just any ole’ chit chat date, but a Virtual Pilates date via Skype. Intrigued? I thought so…

Up until now mani/pedi girly dates or the run of the mill wine-n-dine one night stand have ruled the dating scene.

Amounting to not much more than gossip, empty pockets and lonely souls. We have to love ourselves before we can love others, so why not go on a date that focuses on improving your mind and body? Pilates is the mind/body method and I’m your virtual date!
So what exactly is a Virtual Pilates date? A one on one Pilates session taught to you by me through the magic of web cams and Skype. A lot like video conferencing, but way more fun and active. You and me face to face, body to body for an hour long session.

I’ll personally take you through a core toning, body sculpting and lengthening workout designed for your unique mind and body’s needs. We’ll power through traditional Pilates mat with the addition of Fletcher Floor technique. Props like the magic circle, foam roller, weights and therabands can be incorporated for added variety and intensity. Whether you’re a complete newbie to Pilates, pre or post natal, or a professional athlete, I will tailor each session to your ability and personal fitness goals.

How It Works: We agree on a date time and meet on Skype. I’ll have a web cam set up so you can see my demonstrations clearly and interact with me and you’ll have the same.
Why Virtual Dates Rule: Commitment and follow through are the hardest aspects of reaching your fitness goals. It’s too easy to forgo the gym because of hectic schedules or lack of motivation. When you set a date you commit to at least one hour for your body. A lot of times we need that simple commitment and trainer to hold us accountable and push us to the next level. The best part is you can practice wherever you have a solid internet connection!
See above…an at home workout with horrible form. We can fix that!
So here’s the kicker… To launch my Virtual Pilates dating service I’m offering 10 free Virtual Pilates dates to EpicSelf readers. Just fill out the simple interest form to enter. Two weeks from today I’ll announce the winners!
Are you interested? I’d love to hear your feedback on my spanking new service in the comments.

