One of my favorite Halloween costumes I’ve ever put together with my girl friends was in high school. We had just learned about Rosie The Riveter in history class and instantly knew we wanted to embody her as a group. We slept with curlers, glossed our lips in crimson red and zipped up our jumpsuits to strut our stuff in the school’s contest.

 I even had an over-sized shirt I’d wear to bed with her image proudly screen printed on the front. Rosie was my female power symbol. And while Rosie’s image made a stellar bumper sticker, I thankfully always had strong empowered women role models in my life.
I’m sure that was my Mom’s doing. As a stay at home mom with her own business, she ingrained in my older sister and I the importance of being a strong independent woman who didn’t need a man to depend on for success and happiness in life. She pushed us to stay active in dance or sports beyond just excelling in academics. She wanted well rounded girls who could stand on their own two feet. It’s obvious we both got the message and intend to pass it onto our future daughters.
As a dancer from age 3, I was gratefully surrounded by incredibly powerful athletes and artists my entire life. Something I never intend to change! Every year my ultimate role model might shift, but I have accomplished women in business, athletics and dance in my life daily.
One of the beautiful aspects of the Internet is the hundreds of inspiring role models right in my Twitter and Facebook feed. Go scope the fabulous woman I follow.
In one of my most popular posts of all time, Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll at 24, you get a clear sense of my feelings on Paris Hilton wannabees and gold digger women.
My ultimate rant on the subject thus far. Their is just nothing more amazing, cool and sexy then an authentic woman, confident and comfortable in her own skin who can take care of herself and family.
Rosie was just the beginning. It’s become a top priority to have female friends and mentors who support and inspire my dreams. But, I’m curious…

Do you consider yourself a strong empowered woman? Do you put yourself around women who inspire and build your self esteem? Who is your modern day Rosie?

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nike via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nike.

