Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope the week is treating you well thus far. I just wanted to write a quick update on all that is going on with me and Epicself.

I landed in Melbourne, Australia four days ago and am in the process of setting up shop so to speak. I have been chilling in a hostel while trying to solidify more permanent housing. Today I’ll hopefully have a place set! In the meantime I have been diligently trying to update you all from wifi cafes scattered around my new neighborhood. Not the best writing environment…haha. Next week I will hopefully be out of the hostel craziness and into a flowing writing schedule. I start teaching part time at a Pilates studio next week as well. I’m excited to get back teaching….I have missed it so much. Even though I get a personal practice of Pilates in everyday, spreading the knowledge is the best part.

I’ve also already taken a few professional dance classes since landing and am overly impressed with the dance/art scene here in Melbourne. For those of you who follow me on twitter and facebook you know I’ve been raving about this fantastic city. A beautiful blend of San Francisco and San Diego. Awesome!

I’ll be back in full swing writing for Epicself and my new travel blog next week. Two Backpacks is my newest blog baby which I will launch next week. There you’ll be able to follow all my travels, check out my latest photos and learn all about living life as a gypsy… how to do what I have done and still stay happy and balanced mind, body and spirit.

In the mean time I was recently interviewed by a website devoted to those following their dreams on the road. I will post that video as soon as I get sent the link.

Thanks for your continued support in all my endeavors. You all rule beyond belief!

Sending you much peace and love…

Cheers from St. Kilda!


