The sun has a way of drawing people out of the wood work. Like happy lizards we climb out into the world to soak in the radiance of the season. The thought of sitting inside behind a desk peering out at a blue bird day is enough to drive even the most diligent workaholic mad. The sun is meant to be played in. So the question becomes, how can you get your work done and still enjoy the excitement of the next few sunny months? Follow these four tips…

1.) Take Scheduled (and unscheduled) Breaks: Everyone has a lunch break so make sure to use it well. Pack a lunch the night before or plan with coworkers to bring an item for a potluck picnic. Instead of running to the corner cafe full of stressed out busy bees looking to get in and out in 30 minutes meander to the nearest patch of grass. No grass? Just seek out a sunny spot. Take off your shoes and feel the grass between your toes. Sit on a blanket on the ground. Soak in the most nature you can. This is the true essence of Summer! Smell the grass, feel the breeze, smile at your friends, and hear the birds chirp. Be the most present for that lone hour of pure freedom. Pack a frisbee or baseball to get your body moving and energy pumping.

2.) Go Mobile: If you don’t have to be at the office don’t be. If you’ve got a computer based job chances are you can do a lot of your work from home. Prove to your boss that you can work effectively away from the office and bingo you’ve got freedom to be outside. Start by asking for an afternoon of mobility and work up to a few days. You might be surprised how your boss responds to such an inquiry. If you never ask, you’ll never know. And who wants to sit inside for eight hours if you could be merrily typing away at a sun washed bistro with free wifi? See how I went permanently mobile here. A lot like Nikki’s dream life. If you teach a class or have a meeting scheduled question whether you could move the group outside.

3.) Eat In Season: Some of the best fruits and veggies blossom during these warm months. Eating in season not only promotes a locavore lifestyle, but also keeps in tune with the bodies internal clock. Guaranteed to keep your digestive system in tip top shape. A balanced, efficient digestive system = happy, light, non-bloated bikini strutting goddess.

4.) Increase Activity: Holistic methods like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Indian Ayurveda describe Summer as a period of expansion, growth, and activity. This is the time of year we naturally have more energy, so use it! Use any excuse to get moving. Bike or walk to work, toss a volleyball back and forth on breaks and plan fun activities for time outside of work. Try the plethora of new fitness trends or jump on those tried and true Summer activities. Kayaking, rock climbing, surfing, snorkeling…put yourself around people who love to be active and see what develops. You might discover a new passion. Throwing yourself into new activities challenges your proprioception, brain, and builds self esteem.

Don’t waste what the day brings. Take every opportunity to enjoy your life now.

What are you planning on doing to bring more of Summer into your day? Share your ideas so we can all benefit.

This post was sponsored by Only In A Woman’s World.

