Sink or swim? That is the question only YOU have the power to decide.

You hold all the power to radically shift your current trajectory and grow in all the ways you desire. YES, you are that powerful. And with great power comes radical self-responsibility.

So, let me ask you this:

As the ultimate creator of your reality and future, I’m curious…

What are you consciously creating right now?

Where are you focusing your energy?

What are you allowing to distract you?

What is getting in the way of you living the life and building the business you’ve always wanted?

How are you holding yourself back and not taking action?

How are you honoring yourself and your dreams with clear boundaries?

Here’s what I would like for you to do:

Take some time today to get clear about the answers to these questions. Self-inquiry is one of our greatest tools for discovering the patterns and cycles we often unconsciously play out.

So check in with you. Reflect on how far you’ve come. Be grateful for the journey and process to get here. Assess what is and isn’t in alignment with what you are evolving into. Then have the courage to take the action necessary to change your own life.

I want you to remember this…

No one can do it for you.

You got this! I believe in your limitless potential and radiant heart. The question is… do you?!

Wishing you a nourishing and playful life ahead!


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

