I was scheduled to travel to the jungle to lead and host my Epic Awakening retreat last week in Nosara, Costa Rica. My soul misses the rainforest, beaches, and wildlife of Costa Rica beyond words!

Thinking about the magic of the jungle and the transformative healing journey we would have experienced together gives me chills and warms my heart.

Of course I’m bummed and disappointed that none of us can travel and connect in person right now. But I have so many incredible memories with phenomenal groups to reflect on.

The Past

2019 was a year of unbelievable adventure, connection, and growth. I had the pleasure of leading 7 retreats to three of my favorite countries on the planet, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Peru.

I got to deeply connect with dozens of incredible humans who came to transform from around the globe. Each group became tight like family during our time together and many still keep in touch. Supporting each other from across the planet.

The Present

Leading retreats is the most deeply rewarding and fulfilling thing I do. I had a long cry when I realized this pandemic was going to push back my retreats for an unknown period of time.

I love nothing more than adventuring and exploring the world, learning and growing with awesome people, and creating unforgettable experiences that we’ll remember forever.

Our future seems so unknown at this time. With borders shut down, extended lockdown periods, and complex travel security being proposed, I’m very curious to see how things unfold over the Summer.

I’ve had to push back my two retreats planned for 2020. And still, I have no clarity on future dates until borders open back up and we are all allowed to travel again.

The Future

My eyes are set on 2021. I’m holding the hope and faith that we can all connect in person sooner, rather than later.

I ALWAYS appreciated physically being with people, but my appreciation has grown much deeper now.

Where do you desire to travel next? What will you do once you are there? Comment below and let me know!

Let’s dream big together!


Many Blessings!

Amber Sears
EpicSelf.com – Online Coaching, Retreats, & Trainings
Follow Me on Instagram & Facebook!

