Feeling sexy, comfortable & confident in my own skin has been a long journey on the path of self-acceptance.

Growing up as a competitive dancer who spent decades perfecting her craft in a mirror & comparing herself to other beautiful & talented women instilled some pretty deep self-image issues.

Though I may have looked happy, fit, & confident from the outside, inside I was a mess.

My internal self-dialogue was hateful, critical & judgmental. I was extremely hard on myself & set ridiculously high expectations.

I was a typical type-A workaholic perfectionist who deep down was insecure. The insatiable need to overcompensate by overachieving, to get validation from others was always present.

Despite all of my external accolades, I always struggled to feel enough because I didn’t love myself fully. I was seeking external love instead of cultivating it from within.

This of course didn’t serve me & leaked into all of my relationships…

My friendships with women were shallow & disconnected at best. Because I lacked self-love, was unwilling to be vulnerable & fell into the comparisons trap, I never knew what true sisterhood felt like until my late 20’s.

I also attracted & chose men who had similar insecurities & core wounds. Men who would reflect back to me how I felt inside & unknowingly help me perpetuate my self-destructive patterns.

My breakthrough came when I stepped on the self-love & acceptance path. When I dared to do the inner work to face my own demons head-on because I knew there had to be a better way to live.

I was determined to figure out how to love myself because I realized it was the key to an incredible quality of life for myself & deeper relationships.

Within my pregnancy, I’ve experienced deeper levels of body love & acceptance than I’ve ever known.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed dressing up my bump & feel more radiant + feminine than ever. I’m in complete awe of what my body is capable of doing.

I owe all of this self-respect to the years of inner work I’ve done. And I know the journey has just begun.

So if you haven’t dug deep into yourself yet, get to it! Self-love is the secret key to quantum personal & professional growth.


Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

