In honor of National Vitamin Day I had to check in with your 2013 Vitamin Challenge from last week. Did you decide to join me in my pledge inspired by Nature Made Vitamelts? Did you think about or discover any nutrients you could be missing in your well rounded whole food meals and snacks?

I don’t take these challenges lightly. I adore experimenting with supplements and superfoods to find what truly makes my cells sing. I’ve tried hundreds of products over the years and was incredibly curious to test the latest vitamin line from Nature’s Made.
Check out why Vitamelts are the hottest thing to hit the supplement isle…
Nature Made VitaMelts can make taking your vitamin supplements a more enjoyable experience. VitaMelts are a line of great tasting vitamins that dissolve in your mouth without water and come in a small, portable package, so you can take them anytime, anywhere.
Nature Made wanted to make sure VitaMelts tasted really good, so they used great tasting natural flavors like Juicy Orange, Mixed Berry, Creamy Vanilla, Honey Lemon, and Green Tea Mint.

-Smooth dissolve tablets
-No water needed
-Natural flavors and colors derived from natural sources
Over the last week I’ve taken B12, bathed in Vitamin D from the sun and ate more omega-3’s from organic plant based sources. I’m certainly sleeping better and functioning with more stable energy. Even small dips in major nutrients can effect your moods. Remember that the gut is our second brain. When it’s not happy, we can’t be happy. Take care of your insides in order to glow on the outside.

Do you currently take vitamins to fill in any nutritional gaps? If so, which ones and why?
Nature Made VitaMelts are a new one of a kind, enjoyable way to take your vitamins because they melt in your mouth and taste great. Discover how new Nature Made VitaMelts can transform your vitamin taking experience by making it enjoyable. Visit us at to learn more.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nature Made via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nature Made.

