When in doubt, simplify. When you start to feel stressed, overwhelmed or out of balance find ways to minimize and work/play smarter, not harder. The same goes for building healthy habits. One of the largest road blocks to epic living is the perceived complicated transition period. Planning meals, fitting in exercise, and finding down time seems daunting at first. Below are 5 of my top techniques for simplifying your new or already existing health habits.


1.) Set A Standard Sleep Schedule: Sleep is just as significant as nutrition and exercise. Without proper sleep you will operate sub par to your true epic potential. Sleep is when the body heals, cleanses, and stores information. Our bodies also love set schedules. Just like babies must stick to a schedule, our circandian rhythms as adults still exist and deserve your respect. Pick a bed time and wake up call that you can standardize across the week and take note of how it effects your mood and energy throughout the day.

2.) Plan Ahead For Meals/Snacks: We are all busy people. Many forget to eat, forget to plan, and then end up eating whatever is in view. Avoid this trap by planning ahead and carrying lots of snacks with you. Stock up! Fruit, raw nuts, seeds, nut butters, kale chips, raw bars, raw granola and veggies are perfect grab and go items. Raw food is nature’s fast food! One of the several reasons I went raw was because it was simple, fast, and exactly what my body understands. Whole, living, un-fractured food.

3.) Find Fitness Nearby: Whether its a park, gym, or flight of stairs, find places near work and home that will keep you active throughout your day. One of the reasons I teach at four locations in San Francisco is because people need to workout in a place close to home or work. They simply don’t have the time to venture far. Transit time is not a valid excuse :D. Bike/walk to work, or workout at the gym next door to the office. By simplifying logistics we push down the barriers that hold you back from moving more.

4.) Fill In Any Nutrition Gaps: Taking daily vitamins can be a cumbersome task, and VitaMelts€ Vitamins from Nature Made€ help ease this task, and make it more enjoyable. They’re high-quality, delicious, easy to use – no water needed, compared to tablets, etc. They have a variety of products designed for various needs (Vitamin D, Energy, Relax, Vitamin C, Sleep, Zinc..)

5.) Set Up Delivery: Time is money. By paying for a weekly spring water and organic produce delivery you eliminate the time spent in transport and picking. Imagine arriving home after a long day to a fridge stocked with living food and the most nourishing water on Earth? There are nationwide and local services starting as low as $25 per produce box, and $20 per 5 gallon water jug. Do your research and discover how easy plant based living can be.

How do you simplify your healthy habits so they fit more easily into your daily life?

Nature Made VitaMelts are a new one of a kind, enjoyable way to take your vitamins because they melt in your mouth and taste great. Discover how new Nature Made VitaMelts can transform your vitamin taking experience by making it enjoyable. Visit us at NatureMade.com/VitaMelts to learn more. 

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nature Made via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nature Made.

