Keep your head up and your heart strong. Remember, the grace and power of your light are stronger than any darkness you may face.

Your spirit and heart are limitless in their capacity to give and receive love. To transmute and alchemize that which no longer serves you. To grow and transcend beyond the habits, beliefs, patterns, and cycles you feel trapped in right now.

We are in a mysterious transformational process right now as a global human family.

One where the routines, jobs, and systems we rely on and “believe” to be certain have crumbled.

One where we are forced to slow down and go inward. Connect in new ways, innovate and create beyond our old paradigm.

One where we are facing our internal and external shadows. The veil pulls back more and more on a daily basis whether we like it or not.

But we don’t have to focus on the negative.

We can choose to transcend.

We now have to realize the raw, real, ugly, and magnificent aspects of the human condition and the repercussions of our choices and actions.

Walking through the subconscious muck, feeling all the emotions, and showing up every day to do our best regardless of external circumstances, are vital aspects of this transformation process.

The only way out is through my loves. We can’t bypass the work and pretend there are no issues to fix. We’ve done that far too long.

We must face the things we don’t want to face internally and externally. We must bravely shine bright without fear of judgment. And we must hold the hope and faith for a better tomorrow.  We must take massive inspired action to ensure we have a future.

Learning to dance through the storm, adapt, preserver, trust, and surrender to the great mystery of where we are headed is key.

Finding ways to keep our hearts open, remain on purpose, and support/empower others, will help us all remain calm and focused in the chaos.

We got this! I believe in us. I believe in the power of our hearts. And I believe in finding the lessons and silver linings in every experience.

Above all else, remember that fear cannot exist where loves reigns. So I wonder, how can you cultivate more love for yourself and others today? Tell me all about it👇🏼❤️🌍


Mega Doses of Love!

Amber Sears – Online Coaching, Retreats, & Trainings
Follow Me on Instagram & Facebook!

