What will you decide? Accept and step into your full power, authenticity and vulnerability. Or decline and remain limited by your own beliefs and habits. This simple, yet profound choice every moment is the ultimate gift. Don’t you agree?! If you are eager for positive change, physical detox, spiritual awakening, or just sick of being stuck in old broken paradigms, then join me at the end of January. I just opened up 4 more seats to my Weekend Wake-Up retreat January 29th-31st! I can’t wait!
This powerful weekend includes two ayahuasca ceremonies, organic raw and vegan cuisine, daily yoga and meditation classes, integration coaching and shuttle transport. Optional Sweat Lodge and Thai Massage as well.


If you feel called to the medicine THIS is your sign.


Read medicine testimonials here.


Email Daniel@epicself.com for registration and pricing. These last few spaces will book up fast so jump on it!

