I’m off to go wander in the woods for a while…

Unplugging from the matrix and plugging back into our true source, nature, is the greatest reset and nourishment for the mind, body, and spirit.

Every week I do my absolute best to immerse in wild open spaces. It’s not as easy here in Austin as it once was during my years living in the lush jungles of Costa Rica.

In Manuel Antonio, I’d wake up to monkeys eating mangos in the tree around my home and hike down through the jungle ten minutes to this exact location on the beach. It was dreamy, to say the least. I miss the jungle every day.

But here in Texas I still make it happen and prioritize time on the beautiful trails with my pups to fill up my cup.

With the intensity and chaos of our world right now it’s even MORE important to take time away from our devices, the media, our computer-based work, and explore the beauty of our environments.

The more we immerse in nature, the more we realize how disconnected we’ve become. And how we humans suffer immensely because of this deep disconnection. Hello, anxiety, depression, stress, overwhelm, and low immunity.

Not only does this disconnection harm us, but it harms the planet on levels we can’t fully fathom.

It Heals You and It Heals The Land.

Climate is changing faster than ever before. The immense wildfires currently scorching the entire West Coast of the U.S are a prime example of what happens when we neglect to stay in tune with nature and believe we are superior to its power. 3 million acres of forest have burned in CA alone in the last few months.

NOW is the time to reconnect. To remember where we come from and who we are deep down beyond the superficial layers. To honor, protect, and preserve clean air, water, and soil for all future generations.

The change we seek begins inside each and every heart. It begins with us standing for what we believe in, refusing to tolerate our current trajectory, supporting sustainable companies, and voting representatives into office who will pave the way to a brighter future for all species on Earth.


The world awaits.


Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Trainings
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

