We survived the first 6 weeks! Every day seems to be getting better and better as Wilder grows and develops.

He is starting to smile and recognize our faces! It’s SO precious. My heart melts and expands more every day. Seriously, having a baby is the best decision I’ve ever made.

The immense love I feel for our little guy is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. Watching him shift and change so quickly is fascinating. I find myself just staring at him and observing for hours.

I’m learning so much from Wilder and we are syncing into a wonderful flow throughout the day and night.

@awakenwithjp and I have been able to have more quality time together, and with friends, over the last 2 weeks thanks to his amazing mom who has been staying with us to help out. It’s been a game-changer for our sanity and connection.

It’s been a roller coaster and intense learning curve over the last 6 weeks, but I feel like we’ve hit a new stage of ease and grace.

I’m beyond grateful that I get to spend my days soaking in each special moment with this miracle. I feel more present with the magic of life then I have in a while. What a blessing!

He finally fits in this cute galaxy onesie by @poshpeanut! Cuteness overload!

I’m certain he must be made of pure love and stardust. There can be no other explanation for the magnitude of unconditional love that’s been pouring from our hearts since his gigantic soul landed Earthside.

There is a new sense of wholeness within us. Like he was the missing piece to our unique puzzle. Like it was all divinely orchestrated… because it was. . THANK YOU for choosing us, Wilder. Welcome to our soul family. You complete us.

THIS love. THIS connection. It’s priceless and more meaningful than words will ever do justice.

These incredible newborn pics were shot by the fabulous @mollygentphotography when Wilder was 3 weeks old. He’s grown so much since then!

What was your favourite stage of growth within the first year with your baby? I’d love to hear from all the mamas out there!



Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

